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iTrader iTrader - Order Processing Systems
Customer Inquiries, Photo Offer/Quotation, Sales Confirmation/Sales Contract (SC), Proforma Invoice (PI), Purchase Order (PO), Invoice, Packing List, Debit Note, Credit Note, Shipping documents, Bills/Credits, Sample, Bar Code, Forecast Order, QC/QA, etc.
iGarment iGarment - Garment & Apparel System
Specially designed for Garment, Textile, Shoes, Bags and Accessories Industry, functions included - Show Room, Sample, Color and Size management, BOM (bill of material) and costing sheet, Order Processing such as Quotation, Sales Order /Proforma Invoice/Sales Confirmation (PI/SC), Purchase Order (PO), Invoice and Packing List, Material requisition planning (MRP), Production Order and Production monitoring with WIP (work-in-process), etc.
iManufactory iManufactory - Manufacturing Systems
Order Processing System, Manufacturing Order, Job Order, BOM, MRP, CRP, Production Plan, Inventory Control, Production Payroll, etc.
Customer Leger, Supplier Leger, General Leger, Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet, T/B, Cash Flow, Cash Forecast, AR Aging, AP Aging, etc.
iAnalyzer - Analysis System and Business Intelligence (BI) for CEO
Sales Analysis, Purchase Analysis, Shipment Analysis, Cash Flow Analysis, Forecast Analysis, Stock level analysis, Business Analysis, etc.
The web portal for Vendor, Buyer, QC company and Marketing Company with O2O (Online to Offline) integration.
To automatically remind factory thru e-mail/SMS for shipment, customer for payment, warehouse for reorder level, colleagues for order follow-up, etc.
iShop - For retail and distributors
POS system for salesperson to enquire the price, stock, daily sales, membership management, etc.
EDI Link - Link with global buyers
Link with your global buyers/vendors such as Target, Wal-Mart, Wool worths, JC Penny, Best Buy, etc.
EAI Link - Link with business partners
Link with SAP system and the systems for Carrefour, BCBG group or your business partners, etc. Sourcing Link
i-Total can synchronize product catalogue to our b2b platform with no additional manual work so as to get more enquiries. The entire process is nearly effortless. More than three million premium global buyers and suppliers actively engaged in platform and the number is still growing.
HRM - Human Resources Management
To provide employee management and the related payroll management.
To handle internal and client product/project development, centralize internal/external communication, upload and share files, etc.
CRM - Business Activities Monitoring
For any business activity, which are related to customers namely, marketing, sales, customer service and field support, sales analysis, etc.
iDocLink - Document Management
Users can attach documents from any file types such as PDF, Word, Excel, Power Point, E-mail Message, Photos, Video and scanned paper documents. Easily to search all related documents by using document ID, Product ID, Voucher Number, File Name, Date or User.
iWorkFlow - Workflow/Approval
To accelerates your business process adaptability with fluid workflow automation and exclusive iWorkflow features which allows administrator easily design, implement, monitor and execute workflow for various business processes.
Oriental Int’l Systems Co., Ltd.
Hong Kong Office
Room 2101, Lemmi Centre
50 Hoi Yuen Road
Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
Tel (852) 2142 6935
fax (852) 2951 4004
Shenzhen Office
Room 1906, Block B,
Carrianna Friendship Square
2002 Renminnan Road
Luohu District, Shenzhen, China
Tel (86) 755-8236 1805
fax (86) 755-8236 2958
Shanghai Office
Room D, 18th Floor
No. 277 Siping Road
Hongkou District, Shanghai, China
Tel (86) 21-3355 3697
fax (86) 21-6675 7881

iManufactory - Manufacturing Systems
"Designed for traders and manufacturers who sell goods in assortments or ratios, or create finished products from various components, especially in the garment field."
  iManufactory is designed for manufacturers who sell goods in assortments or ratios, or create finished products form various components.

The system includes: Product Record, Material Record, BOM Module, MRP, Gen. P/O of Material from J/O, Production (material out), link with P/O (Order Processing) and GRN (Inventory).

Bill of Material (BOM)
BOM is a list of the items, ingredients, or materials needed to produce an end product. The list includes all of the subassemblies, parts, and raw materials that go into a parent assembly, showing the quantity of each component required to make an assembly. It shows how much of the material is needed in an order to manufacture a product. An accurate formal bill-of-materials is needed for every product. The BOM contains information on each input of the product, such as part numbers, descriptions, quantity needed for each part number, and the unit of measure. All items in the BOM must be uniquely numbered and identified.
Color Chart
Color chart provide the indication which color is involve in this product. Besides, color of every parts of product would have a clear table.
Color Chart
Size Chart
Some products would be classified into S, M, L, but some of country would use 40,42, 44 instead.
iTrader provide a flexible size input.
You can get a obvious size chart.
We would provide a standard measurement.
However, if your company would like to have a unique measurement table, we would provide a flexible table that you can enter all your needs.
Material Requirements Planning (MRP I)
Material Requirements Planning (MRP) is designed to assist manufacturers in inventory and production management. MRP ensures that materials are available in sufficient quantity and at the proper time for production, without incurring excessive costs by having the materials on hand too early. MRP assists in generating and (as needed) revising production plans to meet expected demands and replenishment plans to assure the availability of raw materials and product components.
Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II)
MRP II optimizes the planning work of all resources of a manufacturing company.
It includes: Business Planning
Sales and Operations Planning
Production Scheduling
Capacity Requirements Planning
Production Control
In production control, wastage is another crucial aspect to evaluate the material. We provide a precise calculation on the wastage rate of every material, since different raw material would influence the wastage rate.
Capacity Resource Planning (CRP)
Capacity Requirement Planning (CRP) subsystem meets your medium and short term planning needs. It anticipates the effects of your production plans on manufacturing resources; and supplies convenient reports to your planners.
It provides medium and short term management of capacity requirements, by simulating the effect of production plans on all your manufacturing resources. It gives input / output control for improved capacity utilization.
It automatically loads input plans and smoothes loads and reports variances from planned levels, and discovers production bottlenecks or surpluses. In addition, it offers detailed variance reports for performance evaluation and queue management.
Production Inventory Control System
The production inventory control system would link-up all the warehouse computer. You can easily to check how much inventory are located in different warehouse. The inventory location would be listed as well.
Inspection Quality Control
Quality control inspection forms a vital part in the production process. The purpose of quality control inspection is to monitor systems and processes to ensure that the quality of work meets defined tolerances. The aim of implementing a system of quality control inspection is to prevent undetected production of defective material or the rendering of faulty services.
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